
Poems about bullying

It's great what you're doing for your campaign
from raising awareness even just from its name.
People everywhere need extra hope in their lives
and what you're doing for them may come as a big surprise.
bullying sucks, we all know it's true
and, as a victim, you know it too.


So who better to help all those people in need
than someone that is determined to succeed.
You're great, and determined and that is what your campaign needs
as well as the rest of us who also believe.


So keep up the good work, we're all behind you
and whenever we can help, we'll see what we can do.
Let's change the world, a bit at a time
so let's start with this simple rhyme.



Written By: Daniel Austin



Click play below to hear this poem:

The Boy At The Backstop

We drove slowly north on Downing Street heading to Porter Hospital when a young boy caught my eye
He stood apart from classmates who excitedly played basketball and tag
The hood of his tan sweatshirt was pulled down and nearly concealed his face
He leaned against the baseball backstop far from the kids who didn’t seem to notice him

The boy's head was bowed and I wondered what he was thinking....and why he was so alone
Did he have a bad experience in class or was his life at home the source of the sadness that covered him like a fog on a cold November morning
Perhaps he was merely one of the kids who just doesn’t seem to fit in with the kids who have it all together....or maybe he was afraid of the bully who had victimized him in the hall before recess

I wish I could have stopped the car and met him near home plate.....that I could have looked into his eyes and tried to bring a ray of hope to his day
Such a pity that a boy not even ten should have to feel so alienated and alone....that no one in his class could see his pain and reach out to him
I hope he finds one special teacher or one trusted friend who can help bring the light back to his eyes

I know I'll look for him again in four weeks  when I return for my follow up appointment with Dr. Evans
I'll leave a little early and buy a card and a large chocolate chip cookie at Safeway
Just in case.... just in case I'm meant to be that friend who can help lift the fog that shrouds the forgotten boy at the backstop

Written by: Mike Hall

Click play below to hear this poem:

Identity - The Bully

They all try to look the same
all try to give themselves a name
pick on the boy who is all alone
just because his identity is his own
what has this world come to?
all this wrong that people do
just for the image they want to show
down the evil path they seem to go

The next person you go to hurt
or try to make feel like dirt
instead of trying to look cool
feel for the guy you make look a fool

A cool identity isn't a need
let those you bully be freed
Your identity should be your own
A better person you will be known.

Written By: Jon Evans


Click play below to hear this poem:

We feel all alone, small & weak
Scared to go out even to speak
The things they say, the things they do
Would you like it, if it were you?
These are fools we don’t understand
So let’s get together & fight our stand
Unite today & show we’re strong
For were the innocent, we’ve done no wrong

Click play below to hear this poem:


Bullies harm & upset everyone
Day after day they have their fun
But no more, we’ve had enough
Time to get our own back
Namin’ and shamin’ the whole damn lot
Protecting what dignity we’ve still got

Written By: Caroline Cox

Click play below to hear this poem:


Can't handle this

Going to school is the worst thing for me,
No one notices or seems to see.
All the verbal, cyber and physical abuse,
Why don’t I escape via the noose?
The kicking, the texting, the calling me names,
I’m just sick of your horrible games.
It’s killing me slowly, I should end it quick,
I really cannot handle this.

Written By: Chloe Paz Thomas (June 2012)

Click play below to hear this poem:

You are the hater

You are the hater who says I am fat.
You are the hater who knocks off my hat.
You are the hater who laughs at my spots.
You are the hater who pulls on my locks.
You are the hater who causes me grief.
You are the hater who smirks at my teeth.
You are the hater who screws up my work.
You are the hater who calls me a jerk.
You are the hater who will go down for this.
I am the victim who no one will miss.

Written By: Chloe Paz Thomas (June 2012)

Click play below to hear this poem:

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Page last updated: 1 January, 2021